Summer Splash Swimming Academy


Dr. Solina

Dr. Solina was a driven and passionate individual who had an immense love for swimming. Even as a young girl, she would spend hours in the water, honing her skills and perfecting her strokes. She had a natural talent for swimming, and her hard work and dedication paid off when she became a competitive swimmer in her teens.

While competing at the highest level, Dr. Solina realized that many people never got to experience the joy of swimming due to water phobia, which is a fear of water. This feeling of fear and anxiety prevented many from learning how to swim and enjoying the many benefits of being in water.

Driven by her desire to help others overcome their fear of water, Dr. Solina studied a doctorate in sport psychology. Here she learned the science behind water phobia and how it can be tackled. She realized that just telling people to get into water wouldn’t help to overcome their fears.

Instead, effective therapies were needed to help people gradually and deliberately overcome their fear of water. She also realized that traditional swim schools were not equipped to help people with water phobia, and this led her to start her swim school.

Dr. Solina’s swim school was a unique concept designed specifically for people with water phobia. The program involved a series of progressive steps that helped individuals gradually overcome their fear of water. It was a gentle and supportive approach focused on the individual’s needs, challenges, and goals.

The program soon gained popularity, and people traveled from far and wide to attend her school. Her innovative and practical approach to overcoming water phobia has changed countless lives, enabling people to overcome their fears and enjoy the many benefits of being in the water.

Dr. Solina’s legacy continues today, and her swim school has helped thousands of people overcome their water phobia and become confident swimmers. Her life’s work has not only enriched the lives of thousands but has also advanced the field of psychology and sport medicine.


Meet the Team

Coach Nirvana
Coach Nirvana is a passionate swim teacher who strives to instill a love for swimming in her students. With years of experience as a swim instructor, She has developed a teaching style that is both informative and engaging. She believes that swimming is not just a sport but a life skill that everyone should learn.
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Coach Amin
Coach Amin starts by building a strong foundation of basic swimming techniques and gradually progresses to more advanced skills. He takes time to explain each technique and demonstrates them in a way that students can easily understand. He also gives his students plenty of opportunities to practice and provides feedback to help them improve.
Coach Jovee
Coach Jovee is known for her enthusiasm and energy in the pool. She creates a positive and supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable and confident. SHe encourages her students to set goals and pushes them to reach their full potential.
Coach Tiam
Coach Tiam has experience coaching swimmers of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced competitive swimmers. She has a keen eye for detail and is able to quickly identify areas of improvement for her swimmers. She also understands the importance of developing mental toughness and has helped many of her swimmers overcome their fears and self-doubt.
Coach Simon
Coach Simon’s coaching style is firm but positive. He is not afraid to push his swimmers out of their comfort zone, but always does so in a supportive and encouraging manner. His swimmers consistently achieve their goals and make significant improvements in their swimming abilities under his guidance.
Coach Muez
Coach Muez had a natural talent for teaching, and he knew how to make his lessons fun and engaging. He was patient and understanding, taking the time to work with each student individually and help them overcome their fears and challenges.

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